Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Misunderstandings on Paris, France

A lot is said about Paris and also Parisians and having spent a lot of time here in Paris a few thoughts.

Frogs legs are a speciality and not a common place food. Similar to dog restaurants in South Korea (where they do exist but are a speciality and only really common with the oder generation) frog legs are a food many French people themselves have not tried. I experienced the same thing when living in Helsinki, Finland. I was told that all Finnish people have done the sauna to hole in the frozen ice dunking so I did it. Afterwards I found out that many Finnish people have not even tried it.

Parisians I also have found to be very friendly. It is like anywhere in that if you can at least try and speak even 1 or 2Frogs legs with sauce words in French then people will try and help you. French people can be stubborn but then so can Catalans, Brits, Italians and every other nationality.

Culturally Paris, France is a fantastic city and a great city break or week long break location. Happy Xmas to al lour blog readers. You can also learn more about Paris cuisine online.

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