Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Bastille Day in Paris

Bastille Day in Paris is similar to Independence Day in the United States. The annual event is called Fête Nationale, what means National Celebration and it is held on the 14th of July. This day marks the storming of the Bastille prison in Paris in 1789 and it is considered to be the beginning of the French Revolution.

These days, Bastille Day is the most patriotic event of France which will be celebrated with a lot of fireworks, trumpets, drums, bugles and a parade. The Bastille Day in Parispresident of the republic will be there too and an impressive arrival is expected.

After the parade the fireworks will be shown near the Eiffel Tower, which will be viewed by many France people but also many foreigners.

During the ‘after party’ of this event, Parisians and tourists can enjoy the parties in the capital city. There are many local orchestras and well known bands playing along the streets and in bars and cafés. Besides all these parties, there is one main party which is called The Bal du 14 Juillet. This is a massive party that is located on the Place de la Bastille, the place where the Bastille prison once stood. This party is not being held on Bastille Day itself but the night before (the 13th of July). Every year they use another theme.