As well as some of the best museums in the world that showcase historical artefacts and art, Paris is also home to the biggest science museum in Europe in the Cite de Sciences et de l’Industrie. The museum is located in the city’s Cultural Centre of Science, Technology and Industry (CCSTI) in Parc de la Villetes. This area celebrates scientific study and the culture of science in the city of Paris.
Cite de Sciences et de I’Industrie
As well as being one of the biggest science museums in Europe it is also one of the most popular with over 5 million people visiting the Cite every year. Visitors are attracted by the huge variety of attractions and activities including a submarine, an IMAX cinema theatre, an aquarium, the library of science and industry and the planetarium. As well as these there are special hands on and practical areas for children of all ages to explore and learn in.
The Cite was created in an initiative to help establish and develop scientific and technological ideas by President Giscard d’Estaing. The overall goal of the museum is to spread knowledge of scientific ideas and technological information to the public, focussing especially on children and teenagers.
It is hoped that this information will help promote peoples interest in science and research and its application to industry and production. The building was first opened in 1986 after it had been converted from an abattoir and was opened in conjunction with the meeting of Halley’s Comet with the space probe Giotto.
You can include this attraction on the Paris Pass if you use this to see most of the sites in the French capital.